August 16, 2011

Mr. Stitch

Who doesn't know Stitch?
He's also known as experiment 626. Even-though he's an ALIEN, he's still amazingly cute. Not like any other alien, which is green and icky, stitch is a blue alien genetic created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba.

Stitch is around 3 feet tall. He can change his physical appearance, as he can retract a second set of arms, his claws, his antennae and the three spines on his back into his body.

At first, stitch is an evil, bad, annoying little alien (but he's still cute) . Then, he changed into a good personality alien ;)

Stitch is a brave, cute, mischievous , fun, loyal and heroic kind of alien. 
He lives in Hawaii in Lilo's home and became her "pet dog". 

My doll , I got it from my friend (: He's holding scrump. So cute!
Anyway, Stitch loves being with his family. But, he dislike Evil cousins, family threats, and competition. 
He has various kind of powers and abilities. 

His weapons are his claws, teeth, laser guns, and four plasma guns .

The truth is, I don't really like the movie. But I really really love Stitch! (:

Mr. Stitch wearing my glasses B)


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