August 14, 2011

Won't lose on lunch time

                                  Japanese woman usually wakes up early in the morning to prepare lunch box.
Well, usually the Japanese called it Bento. 

 Usually it consists of fish, rice, meat, and vegetables. (Yeah, healthy enough!)

 Bento can be made as different kinds of characters! Look at those Bentos!
It's to adorable to be eaten. Right?
Monokoro-boo Bento! So cuteee♥

 I wonder how much time did they spend making one bento? 1 hour?2? or could it be 5 minutes?

 I definitely WANT to try these breads! they look delicious :9
As we can see, Japanese people are so creative!
They could make fashion bentos (?)

I hope someday I could try one of them. Looks yummy ! Wanna try?


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